Monday, March 7, 2011

Friendship & Loss

When I was young, my Mom always told me that a friend worth having was one that you could not see for a long time, but when you reconnected, you could chat like you'd seen each other yesterday.  I've always taken this advice to heart and I've counted my friends based on quality not quantity.

Due to Facebook, I find myself connected with many friends of my past, but I can only think of one that fits the definition above and I absolutley love him.  He lives a province away and I only see him a couple times of year at best, but its never strained and its always amazing.

The hubs is even luckier, he still hangs out with a number of people that he's known since high school, or at least since college and they're all still close; incredibly close.  Sadly, this week has been filled with many tears for us both, one of his very best friends passed away unexpectedly. 

Colin Jack, co-founder of Just Here For the Beer, teacher and friend touched many people in many ways and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to call him a friend.

During his celebration of life, one of the speakers shared a profound conversation she'd had with Colin after his Mom had passed away; they discussed what he had learned from the experience.  Her comments made me think about my own opportunities to learn and grow from the passing of our friend and although these statements may sound cliche, in this moment of loss, they seem so true.

  • Life is short; enjoy every moment.
  • We all lead busy lives, but our true friends are worth the effort.
  • Follow your heart and follow your passion; successes will follow.
  • Stay true to yourself and your roots.
  • Don't be afraid to love and give of yourself for others.

Thank you Colin, just for being you. 
You will be missed, by so many people, in so many ways.

Have you found wisdom in the passing of someone close? 
Please share.