It's hard to believe that the whirlwind that is Christmas has come and gone. The boy still has a pile of presents under the tree and has taken to saying 'Merry Presents' rather than Merry Christmas. It's the first year he's had any sort of understanding of Christmas, or even the concept of presents.
Seeing Christmas through the boy's eyes make's everything new again, from the small Steveston Santa Parade, to the overwhelming barrage of Christmas presents, its nearly impossible not to enjoy Christmas with an eager toddler in tow.
As I hoped, my Merry Christmas came in the form of a brand new, custom Sony Vaio laptop; unfortunately it came equipped with Photoshop Elements and I've been using Lightroom, so I have some researching and learning to do before my photos will be looking all beautiful with rounded again. I'm also hoping to learn to do a quick and easy watermark.
I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas, Hanukkah or holiday season spent with those you love.