Monday, September 6, 2010

All Terrain Company: Natural Herbal Armor Insect Repellent Review

Just over a month ago I shared my experiences with the All Terrain Company's Kid's Eczema Cream; I was fortunate enough to recieve another great product form the All Terrain Company to review.  With summer well underway and camping fun scheduled, I was eager for a chance to test out All Terrain's Natural Herbal Armor Insect Repellent.

Deet-free, cruelty-free, water and sweat resistant this product sounded like everything I needed it to be. It's been clinically proven to be 100% effective for two hours and I can't say it enough, Natural Herbal Armor Insect Repellent accomplishes this amazing feat without the use of Deet.  A special blend of essential oils such as citronella, peppermint, cedar, lemongrass and geranium do the trick just fine.

And that's fine by me.  Deet is nasty, nasty stuff and its in almost all insect repellents on the market.  As long as I can remember, I've been told to watch out for deet; that it could eat through my skin and that it was prudent to make sure that the insect repellent I was using had the lowest possible deet content I could find. I always heeded this advice, but after one particular camping trip, I vowed to avoid the stuff at all possible costs.

I was on an outdoor education camping trip as a chaperone.  Both the team leader and I were disgusted by the sheer quantity of deet infused repellent the teens were surrounding themselves with.  As the team leader started her speil, I wasn't sure she was going to reach the kids.  She knew actions speak louder than words, particularly with teens, so she gave them a demonstration.  She held up a piece of saran wrap from her lunch, held it taut and asked one of the kids to spray the saran with their insect repellent.  In less than thirty seconds there was a hole the size of a subway cookie in the saran.

If you're not sure about the toxicity of deet, try it out for yourself.  I promise you will be suitably disgusted.

All Terrain Company's Natural Herbal Armor is a great solution to a difficult situation.  It's been a few years since the saran wrap incident and since then I have pretty much gone without insect repellent rather than subjecting my body to deet.  Now I don't have to, since using Natural Herbal Armor, I have no bug bites and I have the peace of mind that there is no deet in sight.

Natural Herbal Armor is a light cream in a pump bottle.  It's easy to apply and I didn't have any issues with the pump clogging.  The product does however have quite a strong smell.  When I opened the packaging, the scent was immediatley obvious.  The day after use, my clothes still had a strong odour to them and would definitley need washing if I wasn't camping or otherwise outdoors.  That being said, much like the Kids Eczema Cream, given the lineup of essential oils in Natural Herbal Armor, it would be ridiculous to expect a scent-free product, after all its those same essential oils that are keeping the bugs away.

Overall an effective and natural product for keeping bug bites at bay.  I rate All Terrain Company's Natural Herbal Armor a 4/5.

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