Sunday, April 25, 2010

Drool Bandana Giveaway

hen the boy first started teething, I was amazed how much drool he could generate.  His bibs, his shirts, he soaked them all.  Some bibs were great, others not so much, but when I heard about drool bandanas as a concept, they seemed pretty cool.  They're definitley cuter than bibs, and I figured they would probably work just as well, so I began my research.

I quickly found the Happy Bunny Day- Bandana Drool Bib Tutorial on Dirty Diaper Laundry - it seemed easy and totally do-able.  I used the tutorial as a base for my drool bandanas, but with a few tweaks.  Velcro irritates the boys eczema, so I used snaps - the boy gets a rash on his chest, so I added a water-resistant layer in the middle and made the bottom layer minkee soft, oh and did I mention they're reversible too?! The boy was about 6 months when I started making them and other momma's wanted to try them too, so I made a bunch and sold them.  I still have some left, and a few that are still unfinished if I'm being totally honest.

All that aside, now that the boy is teething his one year molars, the drool is back with a vengeance and the drool bandanas are back too.  In celebration of reaching 25 followers, I decided to host my own first giveaway.

drool bandana patternsreversible drool bandanas

Enter To Win:
All FOUR Drool Bandanas pictured above.
There's 2 skull and cross bones patterns, a monkey with flowers pattern and a green frog pattern.  Hopefully there's something you like.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  

First Entry: Share your best trick for a teething baby.

Second Entry: Follow The Momma Stuff Blog (left sidebar)

Third Entry: Follow the Momma Stuff Blog on Twitter

Fourth Entry: Like the Momma Stuff Blog on Facebook

Giveaway closes next Sunday May 9 at 8pm.  Winner will be determined by a random number generator. [ed. April 28 to allow contest entries for one additional week]


  1. I always gave them a frozen/cold teething ring which helped them "feel" better


  2. follow your blog as jelaws5

  3. FB fan-Julie A Scott Laws

  4. Teething rings in the fridge. The cold helps!

  5. I follow your blog

  6. I follow you on twitter

  7. some orajel, and a gum massage! Also cold banana slices, sems to help or distract...

  8. follow your blog as Mel, cause you rock!

  9. I don't do Twitter,but I am a facebook fan fo sho!

  10. For my little one, I find that using the angel baby first toothbrush (made out of 100% silicone) works really well by dipping it in cold water and giving it to him to bite.

  11. My baby loves to chew on frozen asperagus spears (I got the big ones on a great sale and just tossed them in the freezer). Not only does he have something cold for his teeth, but he gets used to an unusal (but healthy) food flavor too!
    Love your blog. Check out some of my fav. baby items here:


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