Once again I find myself intimidated by the stroller situation, only this time around its the double strollers that are plaguing me. The boy is going to be roughly 26 months when the new baby arrives and although I know that he is a pretty good walker, I also know that I liked to go out and walk for about an hour, almost every day, when the boy was little.
And he loved it, he always loved the stroller, he hated the carseat, but loved the stroller. Even now at 20 months as long as I let him walk for about 10 minutes, he will happily get in for a 'stroller ride' for the rest of our walk. I don't want to take his 'stroller rides' from him, if he still wants them of course.
But who knows what he'll want in another 6 months, regardless I'm pretty positive that he won't be up to the task of an hour long walk. For that reason alone, I was pretty much convinced that I needed to get a double stroller. Seriously, with the boy, I NEEDED to leave the house every day and if the baby is sleeping in the stroller and the boy gets tired and needs a ride, I can't exactly put them both into one seat can I?
My Fit 4 Two prenatal instructor did suggest something I hadn't totally considered. If required, I could plop the baby into a carrier and strap the boy into the stroller. Her boys are two years apart and that the carrier/stroller method worked great for her, she wished for a double stroller only twice while her boys were young.
But at the same time, although I'm all for attachment parenting and babywearing, long periods of babywearing can get strenuous on momma, especially as the kidlets get bigger. And I have to admit, I loved that the boy would fall asleep in the stroller and I could just look at him and watch him sleep as we strolled down the road.
If I do go with a double stroller, I've been looking at the Phil and Teds, but they essentially have no storage; you can't reach the basket with the baby reclined, or the second child's feet are in the basket. Not to mention that you can't hang a diaper bag off the handle or you'll whack you kid in the head. I'm also not 100% convinced that my children will like sitting in the back bottom of the stroller, though many reviewers swear their kids like it.
And although I always swore I wouldn't want a double wide (my current stroller is big enough) I see now that there are a variety of double wides that are less than 30 inches wide and have independent seats so the baby can recline. As an example, Mamabargains just had the Easywalker Duo (which I missed) for $399 with a free carrycot (remember the boy hated the carseat), which may have been perfect...if I do indeed want to buy a double (wide?) stroller.
Please help Momma's...I need your wisdom, experience and advice, do you think a newborn and a 26 month old warrant a double stroller?
I certainly don't want to waste our money...but I want to be able to enjoy my walks during my oh-so-spoiled year of maternity leave.